Friday, December 28, 2012

Can't We Just Have Fun???

Can’t We Just Have Fun???
You can’t do this. You have to do that. You shouldn’t do that. You should do that.
Can’t we just have fun?

But a problem we all face - half the things that our peers consider fun - we can’t do.
So I guess we can’t have fun after all, right?



Here are 10 awesome (and very general, so you can kind of tweak them to fit you) examples of  Halal Fun!

1.) Reading a book! - boring start, (
for some of us) I know. But reading a book is halal and it can be a fun and awesome adventure. Or maybe you can learn something new.  And if you don’t like reading - I am not a huge fan of reading either (usually) - just skip this one and I’m sure you’ll find other options that suit you better.

2.) Writing! You can write stories, poetry, essays, a journal - you could write a novel if you want to. And it’s perfectly halal (as long as you keep it that way, of course!)

3.) Sports! You have to dress modestly - and don’t believe those who say you can’t do stuff with hijab and abaya or even niqab - I wear all three and I just love skateboarding!! You have to find enough girls that will get involved - or find something you can do yourself. But sports are an awesome option of halal fun.

4.) Henna party!!!! Or...any kind of party. Kick out all the guys. Invite over a gazillion sisters and just partay. Get some henna, a decent movie, some board games, some other games, turn on some
nasheeds and have a ball!

5.) Watch a decent movie. If you are of the opinion that movies/TV is haraam, than I deeply respect that. But if you are comfortable with watching TV and movies - there is nothing wrong with watching a good movie every so often. I just watched a great movie in 3D - Life Of Pi - I recommend you to watch it if you are comfortable doing so.

6.) Go out someplace - Museums, Science Centers, Aquariums, Zoos, Parks, etc.... They’re halal unless you make them otherwise. And not to mention they are awesome. And also don’t forget to mention the places that I mentioned along with many other options are great ways to take a look at and contemplate many great and beautiful signs of Allah (swt)

7.) Go out someplace and eat - by yourself, with friends, whatever - just make sure you eat halal, keep the table-talk halal and ABSOLUTELY... no guys allowed.  HAHA

8.) Let the games begin!! (and may the odds be ever in your favor) - Board games, Board games, Video games, for the most part - whatever games you like.

9.) Art - Drawing,
Singing, Sculpting, Painting, Writing,  Woodwork, Glass blowing, along with so many other options.

10.) Just hang out - family, friends, imaginary friend, whatever. Just get some good food and sit back and chill out. Be yourself. Don’t be haraam :)  

I want to end this by telling you this:

Sometimes we as Muslims (myself included) find ourselves feeling bored, lacking options of entertainment, and just feeling overwhelmed by the list of ‘guidelines’ that we have to be good people and good Muslims. But my teacher once told me that this thought comes through ignorance. We don’t know - so we tend to keep very narrow minds. Islam is meant to be easy. When I say that, I am not telling you that you can do whatever you want or that there aren’t any boundaries or anything even similar to that. I am saying however, two main things:

1.) Everything in worship is prohibited except that which is in a clear text (ie, Qur’an and/or Hadith). Everything in this world (including entertainment) is permissible except that which is clearly Haram. So we must educate ourselves on what is
Haram and what is Halal.

2.) Please keep in mind that everything that is haraam has a halal alternative. You want to listen to music?
We have nasheeds. You wanna date? Get married. ETC. ETC. ETC... Everything haram has a halal alternative.

With that, I say Salaam to all of you.
Anything good is purely from Allah. Any mistakes are from myself.