Sunday, January 13, 2013

But..I'm Not Pure Enough.


How many of us feel like religion is sacred? How many of us feel like we're not good enough?

Some of you reading this are thinking how stupid that sounds. "Oh, what  a petty excuse!", you might be thinking, right?

Well, for one, I don't believe in calling peoples emotions and thoughts and feelings stupid or acting as if they are less then. And secondly if this is the way people feel, it needs to addressed - with a solution, not a complaint.

Think about it - Allah is perfect to the point that no imperfection can come near to Him. And He is the one who tells us to pray and fast and wear Hijab, right? So these things are pretty important. They are definitely sacred.

And me, you - well we're just not so sacred. We sometimes do bad things, say bad things, think bad things. If you think about it, some people would say we're just bad people... right?

But lets think about it ----

When you have a headache - what do you do?

Do you dump all of your Tylenol and Motrin down the toilet and run into a room full of screaming children?

I mean, I guess its possible that some person or another might do that... but any person with even an ounce of common sense would not do that. They would avoid the noise to the best of their abilities and probably take a Tylenol or two, right?

Do you see where I'm going with all of this?

If you have an illness - you seek to fix it... You take the medicine. You take the prescriptions given to you.

Well same with life, same with our spiritual/religious ills. When we are feeling lost, when we're feeling low, when we feel like we're losing touch with Allah - these are all sicknesses. And we have prescriptions, to heal us.

Don't turn away from Allah during your times of hardship, but rather turn to Allah. Allah gave us prayer as our medicine. Allah gave us fasting as our medicine. Allah gave us the Qur'an as our medicine. Allah gave us our hijab as our medicine. Take the medicine Allah has given to you - don't flush it down the toilet.

Salaam Wa Rahmah

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Principles To Live By

Stop! Look both ways! Turn right! Go Straight!
Imam Matin

When you are about to do something, stop for a minute.

Look both ways. What are the pros and cons? What good could come from it? What about the bad?

After you think about the consequences and weigh it all out - make the right choice. Turn right.
Then just go straight. Don't turn here and there. Be strong. Don't let yourself fall. 

Take some time before you make any choice - Is it a good idea? If so, than do it. If not, don't do it.
Hold tight to your morals and values. Write your own story. Be unique. Do Good.

Friday, January 4, 2013

A Book Worth Reading


You know what guys, we're all going to die one day. Every single one of us. And when we die, how are people going to remember us? When they hear our names, what images - what memories - what is going to pop into their heads? What kind of stories are our great-great-grandkids going to hear about us?
    And lets fast forward a little bit. When we're standing there on the Day OF Judgment, how are we going to feel standing there with Allah and with all of our brothers and sisters in humanity - watching every deed we've ever done - all the good, all the bad. All the worthless things you wasted your time doing. All the amazing, world changing things you did.

You are in control of the pen. You are the author of your story. Make it one that is actually worth reading. You are going to have lazy days, you are going to have bad days and you are gonna mess up sometimes. That is also part of a book worth reading. But realize that you have a purpose. Allah put you here on Earth for a reason. Discover that reason. And go for it.

Make it a book worth reading. A story worth being told.

A Poem

Misplaced Gazes,
Unfortunate phases
You know that its wrong
So you try to be strong
But often you fall short
And to blindness you resort.
The blindness of love, blindness from parts of reality.
And sadly, once you take your first glance, you'll never be free.

You might try and try
And you'll definitely cry
You want to be strong
And you know that its wrong
You don't want to love, but you refuse to hate.
You often feel like no one can relate
It's constantly fogging your mind
So I advise you...marriage is your cure and in it, peace you shall find.
-----Alexandria Potter

Tuesday, January 1, 2013


Islam is based on three principles: Iman, Islam and Ihsan - Belief, Practice and spirituality. In order to properly understand our religion, we must understand these three principles. And in order to completely understand these principles, we must understand each in the context of the others.
  Belief/Iman is like a map. Islam/Practice is like a journey. Ihsan/Spirituality is like the destination.

Belief gives us meaning in our life. It answers questions like - 'Why are we even here?', 'How did we get here?', 'Where are we going?', 'Is this it?', 'What about after we die?' - and questions such as these. The map gives you direction. Purpose. Meaning. And so you must follow this map. Let it take you somewhere. Let it guide you on your journey.

Journey... You have a map. So you may now begin your journey. And this journey is practice. Islam. Fulfilling your requirements of being a good Muslim. Islam is the journey we are on. We are seeking to always improve and move closer to Allah (glorified be He).

And finally the destination. You had a map and you went on your journey - so now to finally arrive at a destination. As a Muslim, we are on a journey to get closer to Allah and to earn His pleasure. So our destination must be His pleasure in us and being near to Him. Being able to see His Face (subhanahu wa ta'ala). Being in paradise. Being able to soak eternally in His rewards. And this is where we seek to end.

If we get our map. We study our map enough that we can understand it and it can actually take us somewhere. If we begin our journey and we remain steadfast on our path. If we do our best to follow the directions and when we get lost once in a while, we stop and ask for directions and do what we can to get back on track. And if we keep our eyes on the prize, our intentions set, and our heart firm on our destination. InshaAllah (if God allows), we will surely make it to our destination - Allahs pleasure.

So remember:
Belief gives us a foundation. Practice tells you what you're responsible for. And if you practice properly, it will be transformative.

Salaam Wa Rahmah